Shariq ADS

113,900$ Revenue generated with Google Ads – Ecommerce Store Case Study.

Case Study: Exceptional Electronics Ecommerce Store in Pakistan with Google Ads

google ads case study

Key Results Metrics for this Campaign

AD cost 💲 = 125,000 PKR ($456)

Conversions 📈 = 2570

Conversion value 💹 = 31200000 ($113,900)

Cost Per conversion 💵 = 48.78 PKR (0.18$)

ROAS 🚀 = 2568 % ~ 256.8

Location📍 : Pakistan



Clear Problem Statement


The electronics ecommerce store in Pakistan was facing multiple issues with its landing pages and conversion rates. The store recognized the need for improvements in its Google Ads campaign to drive more qualified traffic and increase conversions.


Detailed Analysis


To address the challenges faced by the store, a comprehensive analysis of the existing Google Ads campaign was performed. It was evident that the campaign lacked focus and did not effectively target high-intent keywords. The landing pages were not optimized to drive conversions, resulting in a low conversion rate and a high cost per conversion.

To tackle these issues, a new Google Ads campaign was created from scratch. Multiple ad groups were set up, each targeting specific high-intent keywords relevant to the store’s offerings. The ad copies were carefully crafted to be compelling and relevant, enticing potential customers to click through to the landing pages.

Optimization techniques were implemented to improve the quality score, including enhancing landing page relevance and load times. Continuous monitoring and refinement were carried out to ensure the campaign remained aligned with the store’s objectives.


Quantitative and Qualitative Data


The results achieved through the revamped Google Ads campaign speak for themselves:

– Ad Cost: 125,000 PKR – Conversions: 2570 – Conversion Value: 31,200,000 PKR – Cost per Conversion: 48.78 PKR – Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS): 2568%

The improvement in conversion rates and the significant increase in the conversion value demonstrate the success of the campaign. The results showcase the effectiveness of the targeted ad groups and optimized landing pages in driving qualified traffic and encouraging customer conversions.

Furthermore, the qualitative feedback from the customer sheds light on the positive experience they had with the improved Google Ads campaign:

“The new campaign has exceeded our expectations. The targeted ads and optimized landing pages have attracted highly interested customers, resulting in a substantial increase in sales. We are thrilled with the results and the return on our advertising investment.”


Clear Results



The revamped Google Ads campaign for the electronics ecommerce store in Pakistan yielded impressive results. The improvements in conversion rates, conversion value, and ROAS demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategic approach taken. The campaign successfully addressed the challenges faced by the store, significantly impacting its bottom line and overall business success.


Compelling Narrative


This case study highlights the critical role that Google Ads plays in the success of an ecommerce store. By recognizing and addressing the issues with the store’s landing pages and conversion rates, i were able to create a targeted and impactful campaign that captured the market effectively. Through a comprehensive analysis and strategic implementation, the store’s campaign was transformed from a struggling initiative to a high-performing asset.

By leveraging my expertise in Google Ads and understanding the unique challenges faced by this store, i were able to transform my client’s business. Through a meticulous approach to ad group segmentation, keyword targeting, and landing page optimization, i successfully propelled their online sales and revenue growth. 

In conclusion, My collaboration with this electronics ecommerce store showcases the power and effectiveness of a well-executed Google Ads campaign. The significant increase in conversions and revenue, combined with the client’s positive feedback, reflects the value i bring to my customers. I continue to support our client in their advertising endeavors, helping them stay ahead in the dynamic and competitive ecommerce market.

If you want to take your business to these super heights 8x, 10x, 15x and beyond, then let’s connect and talk about fueling your business growth like this.



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